Follow these 10 tips to keep your children safe on the internet.
Banning a child from certain sites may only motivate them to spend more time on them, whereas educating your child on how to keep safe will give them the tools they need to navigate their online world without being hurt; from not posting personal information to a site to understanding that people they are talking to may not actually be who they are. 如果父母自己知道危险, this sets an example to the child to understand them as well.
告诉你的孩子 不 to put photos of themselves on the Internet or to give out their 名字s, 地址, 电话号码, 学校, 或其他网上个人信息.
Install an Internet filter or family safety software.
家庭安全软件正变得非常先进,是过滤危险内容的有效方式. 另外, this software usually comes with tools like time management, 远程监控和报告, 以及击键识别, giving families greater peace of mind and manageability.
Know the dangers associated with sites your children frequent.
一盎司预防胜似十分治疗. 不管是MySpace, 脸谱网或其他社交网站, 通过了解人们在你孩子最喜欢的网站上做了什么,这些网站可能会把他们置于危险之中, 父母可以教育他们的孩子,向他们展示潜在危险情况的警告信号.
Teach children what to do if they encounter pornography on a home or public computer, 比如在学校或图书馆.
In a similar fashion to the fire warning of "stop, 抛球滚球,“你可以教孩子们迅速关掉电脑显示器的电源,然后去找大人. 这可以防止孩子试图通过点击更多的按钮来阻止这种情况(从而传播攻击并暴露更多的色情内容)。.
安排孩子上网的时间和他们上网的时间可以确保你知道他们上网的时间和时间. 不允许他们自由支配,可以减少他们接触不适当内容的机会.
为你的孩子制定具体的互联网指导方针,并始终如一地执行其后果, 如果他们没有被跟随.
给你的孩子具体的指导方针,以确保他们知道自己的立场,当谈到他们如何使用互联网,以及当他们违反规则的后果. 如果父母始终如一地执行结果, their children will be more likely to follow the rules.
Keep computers out of children's bedrooms and in open areas.
电脑都是公开的, children will be less inclined to view and access material that may not be acceptable.
Create a relationship with your children that is conducive to open communication.
Open communication and trust is extremely valuable. 让孩子们知道对他们的期望是什么,他们的安全是头等大事, 他们会觉得,如果发生了什么事——无论是被网络陌生人或欺凌者接近,还是收到一封不恰当的电子邮件——他们都可以找父母解决问题,而不会觉得自己有麻烦.
Understand Internet Privacy Policies as they apply to your child.
根据联邦贸易委员会(http://www.ftc.gov/privacy/privacyinitiatives/childrens.html), 家长应注意以下事项,以保护子女在网上的私隐:
- types of personal information they collect from kids-for example, 名字, 家庭住址, 电子邮件地址或爱好.
- how the site will use the information-for example, to market to the child who supplied the information, 通知比赛获胜者或通过儿童在聊天室的参与提供信息.
- whether personal information is forwarded to advertisers or other third parties.
- 一个在现场的联系人.
在很多情况下, a site must obtain parental consent before collecting, using or disclosing personal information about a child.
Consent is not required when a site is collecting an email address to:
- 对孩子的一次性要求做出回应.
- 向家长提供通知.
- 确保儿童在现场的安全.
- 只要网站通知家长,并给他们一个拒绝这种安排的机会,就定期发送时事通讯或其他信息.
Look for a privacy policy on any website directed to children.
该政策必须通过网站主页上的链接以及收集儿童个人信息的每个区域提供. 面向普通受众的网站如果有儿童专区,必须在儿童专区的主页上发布通知.
Read the policy closely to learn the kinds of personal information being collected, 它将如何使用, and whether it will be passed on to third parties. 如果你发现一个网站没有发布对儿童个人信息的基本保护, ask for details about their information collection practices.
Giving consent authorizes the website to collect personal information from your child. 你可以同意并拒绝将孩子的信息传递给第三方.
黑客、诈骗、恶意软件等等,如今的互联网让人感觉像是一个危险的地方. 和, 最近设备的激增, from smartphones and tablets to Internet-connected appliances, 让我们面临更大的风险吗.
1. 创建复杂的密码. 我们知道你以前听过这个词,但是创造 强大、唯一的密码 对于你所有的关键账户来说,这真的是保护你个人和财务信息安全的最好方法. This is especially true in the era of widespread corporate hacks, where one database breach can reveal tens of thousands of user passwords. 如果你重复使用密码, 黑客可以从一次攻击中获取泄露的数据,并用它登录到你的其他账户. 我们最好的建议是:使用 密码管理器 to help you store and create strong passwords for all of your accounts.
Then, check to see if your online accounts offer 多因素身份验证. This is when multiple pieces of information are required to verify your identity. So, to log into an account you may need to enter a code that is sent to your phone, 还有你的密码和密码短语.
2. 提高你的网络安全. Now that your logins are safer, make sure that your connections are secure. 在家或工作时,你可能会使用一个有密码保护的路由器来加密你的数据. But, when you’re on the road, you might be tempted to use free, public Wi-Fi.The problem with public Wi-Fi is that it is often unsecured. This means it’s relatively easy for a hacker to access your device or information. That’s why you should consider investing in a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN is a piece of software that creates a secure connection over the internet, 所以你可以安全地从任何地方连接.
3. 使用一个 防火墙. Even if your network is secure, you should still use a firewall. 这是一个电子屏障,可以阻止未经授权的访问您的计算机和设备, and is often included with comprehensive security software. 使用防火墙可以确保连接到网络的所有设备都是安全的, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart thermostats and webcams. This is important since many IoT devices aren’t equipped with security measures, giving hackers a vulnerable point of entry to your entire network.
4. 点击智能. Now that you’ve put smart tech measures into place, make sure that you don’t invite danger with careless clicking. Many of today’s online threats are based on phishing or social engineering. 这是指你被欺骗,为了欺诈目的而泄露个人或敏感信息. 垃圾邮件, 虚假的“免费”优惠, 单击诱饵, 在线测验等都使用这些策略来引诱你点击危险的链接或放弃你的个人信息. 总是要警惕那些听起来好得令人难以置信的提议,或者要求提供太多信息的提议.
5. 做一个有选择的分享者. These days, there are a lot of opportunities to share our personal information online. 只是要小心你分享的东西,特别是当涉及到你的身份信息时. This can potentially be used to impersonate you, or guess your passwords and logins.
6. 保护你的移动生活. Our mobile devices can be just as vulnerable to online threats as our laptops. 事实上,移动设备面临着新的风险,例如有风险的应用程序和通过短信发送的危险链接. 小心你点击的地方, 不要回复陌生人的信息, 在阅读其他用户的评论后,才从官方应用商店下载应用. Make sure that your security software is enabled on your mobile, 就像你的电脑和其他设备一样.
7. 安全冲浪 & 购物. 网上购物时, or visiting websites for online banking or other sensitive transactions, always make sure that the site’s address starts with “http”, 而不仅仅是" http ", 并且在URL字段中有一个挂锁图标. 这表明该网站是安全的,并使用加密来打乱你的数据,这样它就不会被其他人拦截. 此外,要注意网址中拼写错误或语法错误的网站. 他们可能是合法网站的模仿者. 使用一个 safe search tool such as McAfee SiteAdvisor to steer clear of risky sites.
8. 跟上时代. Keep all your software updated so you have the latest security patches. Turn on automatic updates so you don’t have to think about it, and make sure that your security software is set to run regular scans.
9. 留意最新的骗局. Online threats are evolving all the time, so make sure you know what to look out for. 目前, “ransomware” 呈上升趋势. 这是指黑客威胁要锁定你的所有文件,除非你同意支付赎金. 保持对这个和其他威胁的关注 待通知.
10. 保持警惕. 对你在网上做什么,访问哪些网站,分享什么都要保持谨慎. Use comprehensive security software, and make sure to 定期备份你的数据 以防万一出了什么差错. By taking preventative measures, you can save yourself from headaches later on.